v1.4.2 | 4th July 2024

* Update: Updates some default values.

v1.4.1 | 1st May 2024

* Fix: Active Product css in Menu.

v1.4.0 | 29th April 2024

* Add: theme.json file to better support core blocks.
* Add: Threads to social media options.
* Add: Option to enable theme.json mode.
* Update: Default icons for social, X and Instagram.
* Update: Google Font choices.
* Fix: Miscellaneous css.
* Fix: Background image not selected.
* Fix: CSS determining content width.

v1.3.9 | 16th March 2024

* Fix: Miscellaneous css

v1.3.8 | 11th March 2024

* Fix: Cart drawer css

v1.3.7 | 6th February 2024

* Update: Grouped products thumbnails

v1.3.6 | 3rd December 2023

* Update: Footer css

v1.3.5 | 11th November 2023

* Add: Upsell option
* Fix: Comment css

v1.3.4 | 27th October 2023

* Fix: Cart Button on Product Details Page
* Fix: Comment Form

v1.3.3 | 26th October 2023

* Update: Link Style

v1.3.2 | 25th October 2023

* Update: CSS updates

v1.3.1 | 9th October 2023

* Added: Header cart options
* Update: CSS updates

v1.3.0 | 21st August 2023

* Update: Change default options
* Update: General design updates

v1.2.1 | 8th July 2023

* Update: General design updates

v1.2.0 | 17th June 2023

* Update: Class prefix for better separation

v1.1.8 | 12th June 2023

* Fix: Inline images align issue in table block
* Fix: Issue with filter by rating

v1.1.7 | 12th June 2023

* Fix: Color picker input typing
* New: WooCommerce Product Wrap

v1.1.6 | 20th May 2023

* Fix: Color picker in border controls
* Fix: Footer widgets spacing
* Fix: Pallet Color picker offscreen
* Fix: Issue with product buttons style

v1.1.5 | 12th April 2023

* Update: Editor style tweak
* Fix: 6.2 css issue with editor title

v1.1.4 | 27th March 2023

* Fix: Welcome notice JS registered

v1.1.3 | 27th March 2023

* Update: JS to prevent conflicts
* Update: Editor styling of form
* Fix: Various CSS and other issues

v1.1.2 | 22nd February 2023

* Fix: Possible updater bug in php 8.0

v1.1.1 | 22nd February 2023

* Update: Buttons CSS styling
* Update: Image options in the customizer
* Fix: Palette popover in customizer
* Fix: Heading spacing in editor

v1.1.0 | 15th November 2022

* Add: Theme Updater
* Fix: Changelog Display in Dashboard

v1.0.0 | 27th October 2022

* Initial Version